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Perfil de kareemoo

Kamel Kad
AglomeraciónLyon y alrededores - Villeurbannes - Vénissieux (Ain, Isère, Rhône)
Zona administrativa69 Rhône

Todos los anuncios de kareemoo

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Comentarios de usuarios sobre kareemoo

-16-04-2006 a
n° 11347
Hello, Good day and thank you very much for the display of the sale of your item,which i am very much interested in buying. Also i will like to know the condition and the final price which these item will go for and also the payment method you will accept for this purchase to be concluded. But i will want you to know that the only way i can pay for this item is via the folowing:A certified cheque or money order ,please kindly let me know if you accept with my mode of payment by providing me with the necessary detail how i can make payment for this purchase. Thank you very much for your understanding,waiting to hear from you. Best Regards Ana
=16-04-2006 a
n° 11347
Hello, Good day and thank you very much for the display of the sale of your item,which i am very much interested in buying. Also i will like to know the condition and the final price which these item will go for and also the payment method you will accept for this purchase to be concluded. But i will want you to know that the only way i can pay for this item is via the folowing:A certified cheque or money order ,please kindly let me know if you accept with my mode of payment by providing me with the necessary detail how i can make payment for this purchase. Thank you very much for your understanding,waiting to hear from you. Best Regards Ana

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