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Puede a enviar un mensaje a Rafael Punchin [raffapunchin]
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Jueves 24 septiembre 2009 por el propietario: raffapunchin
+51 u +51

Proponga a vender Complemento alimentario POLLO A LA BRASA- CURSO EN DVD - 2009: 250 USD

Perú - LIMA 01 - LIMA-PERU (LIMA Y CALLAO)El precio indicado es fijo
Proponga a vender Complemento alimentario POLLO A LA BRASA- CURSO EN DVD - 2009, entrega posible pero pago previo: 250 USD a la unidad.

The recepie of grilled Peruvian chicken - in DVD and recepie send to you by mail, including pictures of the process learn how to make this famous business in one hour with this film in DVD the film is all in English, but is available in Spanish too. any question my mail is: punchinraffa@hotmail. com phone (lima - Peru) : 511-4529865 address: jr ayacucho 263- lima -Peru i work with Western Union, please if you need the recepie of pollos a la brasa or grilled in dvd film. peruvian chichen you need send me - including shipping cost. i will be very glad to serve you in any question after you buy the dvd. thanks chef : Rafael Punchin -course in dvd - 2009.
Fotografía: Proponga a vender Complemento alimentario POLLO A LA BRASA- CURSO EN DVD - 2009 Fotografía: Proponga a vender Complemento alimentario POLLO A LA BRASA- CURSO EN DVD - 2009
Este anuncio clasificado se ha visto: 65535 veces

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